QA Testing Blog | Global App Testing

5 key takeaways from Elastic QA

Written by Emily Rollwitz | January 2021

Quality is key

It’s a saying we’ve all heard, yet can often be neglected when it comes to technology. 

In a world where 1.96 million apps are available through the Apple store and 2.87 million available through Google Play, delivering an exceptional customer experience is essential.

Yet speed to market is typically placed at the top of the priority list, bumping quality down a notch. Unfortunately, in the race to the finish line, speed trumps quality. 

There are ramifications, though, of delivering poor quality and consequently, a poor customer experience. One third of users will delete a buggy app. 

Don’t place that statistic on the back burner. 

At the end of the day, quality equals revenue and in today’s current climate, you literally can’t afford to misstep. 

So, how do you maintain your release velocity while also ensuring you deliver a quality experience for your users? 

Take a look at your QA resources.  

You may have a team of 10 or one (or none). Regardless, the demands placed on your team will likely flex up and down. One month you’ve got three new releases, the next - none. 

So let’s say you’ve got several new releases due over the next few months. 

Is it worth hiring an additional QA resource? 

Logistically, this recruitment demands time and money - two commodities that are essential in the business world. This is time and money that could be placed elsewhere and reinvested back into your business.  

What’s more?

Those more stagnant months end up not quite justifying the internal hire. But, quality is still vibrating in the back of your head. 

You want perfection and you need resources to lean on. So, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind as the solution to ensuring your app releases are just about perfect?


It’s the buzzword of the tech world and seems like the obvious go-to answer for your quality needs. However, a fully automated approach to app testing neglects the human touch that ensures your app will resonate with people. 

At the end of the day, humans are using your apps, so why leave humans out of the testing process? 

So, quality and speed are crucial components for delivering a delightful customer experience. 

But the question still remains, how can you deliver both? 

Enter Elastic QA. It’s all about providing you with a flexible approach to QA. Elastic. Flexible. You see where we’re going with this. 

We recently wrote a whole eBook on how to adopt a more elastic approach to QA that blends humans and technology to deliver quality at speed. 

Now, we’ve cherry picked the top five takeaways from the eBook. We’ve even put them in a problem/solution format, so you can see exactly how Elastic QA can help address your pain points. 

1. Problem: Hiring internal QA resources takes time and is expensive.
Solution: Save your time and money by crowd testing. 

Global App Testing uses a crowd of 50,000 testers across 189 countries. By partnering with us, you can lean on our worldwide team to provide you with flexibility in your release cycles.

2. Problem: Your internal resources are stretched and communication on prioritizing bugs is falling through the cracks.
Solution: Provide your team with a platform to clearly communicate workload balance to prevent test case bottle necks. 

3. Problem: You’re releasing a new version of your app in a different region and are encountering issues with the app localizing correctly. 
Solution: Crowd test using a global network to find testers local to that region, ensuring the app works correctly in its “native environment.” 

4. Problem: iPhone 8 users are encountering problems during check out on your app, whilst other iPhone users are experiencing no issues. 
Solution: Test on multiple devices, versions, networks, etc. to ensure your app provides a quality customer experience. Remember though, you don’t have to test on irrelevant devices - it’s unlikely most mobile app shoppers are shopping from an iPhone 3. 

5. Problem: Your release cycles are long and don’t justify hiring an internal resource.
Solution: Consider a QA partnership upon which you can flex up and flex down your quality needs.

It’s easy to recognize the benefit in a flexible, “elastic” approach to QA. 

You maintain speed to market and can deliver a quality experience for your users. It’s a win-win really. 

We’ve just barely scratched the surface. There’s a ton of helpful content in our eBook, so follow this link to download your free copy now.