Is Global App Testing the Best Rainforest QA Alternative? 

Explore if Global App Testing is the best alternative to Rainforest QA. Compare features and benefits to find the right fit for your testing needs.



To help you, we’re going to run the rule over one of the leading app testing platforms in the industry; Global App Testing. And, explain how it measures up as an alternative to Rainforest QA. 

Read on to learn about:

What is Rainforest QA?

What is Global App Testing?

Key features of the Global App Testing

Types of testing we offer 

Rainforest QA vs. Global App Testing

Why do you need Global App Testing?

Speak to a QA Expert

What is Rainforest QA?

Rainforest QA is a cloud-based platform that uses a global network of testers to conduct tests in real-world settings across different browsers, devices, and operating systems. The platform's easy-to-use interface allows users to create and manage tests with natural language, making test automation accessible to all team members.

Rainforest QA's setup supports on-demand testing, which speeds up test execution and helps teams deliver high-quality software more efficiently. Also, Rainforest QA has been focusing on automating QA processes, and now they've made a major advancement in that area. They have just introduced a feature that allows your tests to not only self-write but also self-heal, significantly improving the efficiency and reliability of your testing workflows.

Key features of the Rainforest QA platform

  • Generative AI test creation: Quickly craft automated test scripts using simple, plain English prompts.
  • Self-healing AI: Automatically updates tests to keep up with app changes, eliminating the need for frequent test maintenance.
  • Human verification: A dedicated Test Manager verifies test results to ensure accuracy and filter out false positives, providing reliable and trustworthy testing outcomes.
  • Rapid test results: Execute tests in parallel, with cloud-based virtual machines delivering test results in just ~4 minutes.
  • Detailed test insights: Access comprehensive explanations of test failures, including video recordings, repro steps, browser logs, and more for efficient debugging.
  • CI/CD integration with notifications and bug tracking sent directly to your workflow tools.
  • Exploratory Testing: Add-on service offering unscripted testing by experienced testers to uncover bugs and gather usability feedback beyond standard test scripts.

How it works

Rainforest QA streamlines software testing processes, providing quick and efficient QA without delay. Here's how it works in 5 quick steps:

1. Create

Create your tests easily using simple prompts, or communicate with your Test Manager about your coverage needs via Slack, email, or video call.

2. Run

Tests run automatically through your CI/CD pipeline, on demand, or according to a set schedule, ensuring continuous and consistent testing.

3. Self-healing AI

Rainforest AI Assist keeps your tests up-to-date by automatically adapting them to reflect changes in your app.

4. Review

Your Test Manager reviews test results to identify and eliminate false positives, allowing them to focus on bugs that genuinely matter.

5. Maintain

Your Test Manager handles any necessary test maintenance that the AI may not have covered, ensuring your test suite stays current and accurate.

Who is Rainforest QA for?

Rainforest QA offers an efficient test automation solution for SaaS teams to speed up their release cycles without the hassle of test maintenance. Combining AI-powered testing with experienced QA expertise, Rainforest helps easily deliver high-quality code.

What is Global App Testing?


Global App Testing is an all-in-one functional app testing platform that helps QA, product, UX, engineering, localization, and digital teams to test their products worldwide, focusing on functional and UX testing. With a network of over 90,000 experienced testers from over 190 countries, it is the go-to choice for testing on real devices and authentic environments across various device combinations.


Key features of the Global App Testing platform

Do you need to validate how your product will behave under various network conditions? Or do you simply want to check if your app design is appealing to consumers? Our platform allows you to keep track of your app during each stage:

1. Design stage:

In this stage, you can go back and forth until you are satisfied with the look and feel of the app through the following:

  • Identify usability issues: Detect potential usability challenges early in the design phase, enabling adjustments and enhanced user experience.
  • Validate look & feel: Ensure your app's design aligns with your initial vision and meets (and surpasses!) user expectations.
  • Localization testing: Adapt your app for specific countries, taking into account language, culture, and other regional considerations.
  • Conduct surveys: Gather feedback and opinions from real users to guide design decisions.

2. Development stage:

This stage is important to confirm the functionalities of the app through:

  • Confirm specification & acceptance criteria: Verify that your app aligns with its specifications and acceptance criteria, ensuring it behaves as intended.
  • Identify failing test cases: Spot failing test cases and issues in real time, allowing for quick resolution and minimizing potential delays.
  • Discover unexpected bugs: Catch bugs during development to streamline the release process and avoid disruptions and potentially costly fixes down the road.
  • Confirm features match design: Ensure your features meet the original design specifications and function as intended.

3. Release stage:

During the release stage, the most important aspect is to:

  • Confirm existing functionality: Ensure all existing features still work as expected, even with new additions or changes.
  • Identify failing test cases: Detect and address any failing test cases before releasing your app.
  • Recognize unforeseen bugs: Find and resolve any last-minute bugs or issues that may arise during the release process.
  • Identify usability issues: Validate usability and make sure the app is user-friendly and intuitive.

4. Live products:

Once you go live, there could be also some things to look after:


Reporting and Results:

No matter what stage of the development process you are at, you can access:

  • Detailed bug reports: Access comprehensive bug reports, including videos and step-by-step reproductions, to help your team identify and resolve issues quickly.
  • Test case results: Analyze test case results to understand how and why tests failed, enabling targeted fixes.
  • Feedback: Obtain qualitative feedback, raw data, and custom reports to gain insights into your app's performance.


Our easy-to-use platform ensures a smooth user experience, streamlined development, and valuable insights for ongoing improvements and consistent performance. Also, you can easily:

  • Manage and launch tests, triage results, and export data directly from the GAT platform.
  • Integrate with your existing workflows, allowing you to launch tests and receive results within your development processes.
  • Seamlessly integrate with your CI/CD pipelines using GAT's API and webhook support.


Add-on services

What’s more, you can enhance your testing process and elevate your application's quality with the professional services that enable you to go further and more innovative in your testing journey:

1. Add-On services modules - These project-based support options help you complement existing tests, improve results, and gain deeper insights:

  • Competitive benchmarking: Analyze how your app compares with competitors, giving you strategic insights.
  • (Re)Build your test case suite: Optimize or develop new test cases tailored to your app's needs.
  • Accessibility testing: Ensure your app is inclusive and accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Methodology reports: Receive detailed reports on your testing process to enhance efficiency and outcomes.
  • QA consultancy: Get expert advice on your testing strategy and tactics for improved performance.

2. Ongoing services layer - Maintain the quality of your app with continuous support from GAT's expert team. These services help complement your internal team and free up their time for other priorities. The ongoing services layer includes:

  • Detailed QA reports: Obtain comprehensive reports on each testing cycle to better understand performance and results.
  • Dedicated Test Manager: Benefit from a dedicated test manager to oversee and enhance your testing cycles.
  • Global growth analysis and advice: Gain insights and advice for strategic global growth, helping your app succeed internationally.

How do we manage test cases?

Test cases are predefined instructions for testers to follow, helping them assess whether specific features or functionalities pass or fail. We offer a variety of test case management options to suit your needs:

  • Create test cases from scratch: If you lack existing test cases, we can build them within 3-5 days, setting you up with a strong foundation for your testing process.
  • Adapt existing test cases: If your current test cases need adjustments to match our required format, we can rewrite them at a reduced cost, ensuring they meet your testing standards.

Our test cases integrate with popular platforms, including:

TestRail: You can launch tests directly from the TestRail platform, utilizing our test cases formatted for efficient express testing.
GitHub: With test cases tailored to the GitHub format, executing tests from within this platform becomes straightforward and efficient.
Zephyr Squad: Our test cases are formatted for Zephyr Squad, allowing you to initiate tests directly from the platform for convenient express testing.

Types of testing we offer

As we mentioned, we offer many testing types designed to ensure the quality, performance, and success of your software across different platforms and markets:

  • Functional Testing: Validate your product's performance according to its specifications, ensuring it fulfills its intended purpose and meets user expectations.
  • User & UX Testing: Gain valuable insights into how people interact with your product, allowing you to optimize the user experience and design.
  • Accessibility Testing: Guarantee your product's compliance with accessibility standards, including compatibility with accessibility equipment and visual accessibility testing.
  • Exploratory Testing: Uncover hidden issues and explore your software freely, enabling your product to excel in unexpected scenarios.
  • Regression Testing: Protect your product from regression, ensuring existing features continue to work seamlessly after changes or updates.
  • Feature Testing: Ensure the successful release of new features, delivered on time and without bugs.
  • Compatibility Testing: Confirm your software's smooth operation across various browsers, operating systems, and devices.
  • Release Testing: Build a reliable and efficient process for launching new features on time and free of issues.
  • Re-test & Reproducibility Tests: Verify the resolution of identified issues and the consistency of bug fixes.
  • Smoke & Sanity Testing: Conduct rapid tests at the beginning of longer test sequences to determine the need for further testing.
  • IoT and Device Testing: Test your software on a variety of smart devices, such as IoT devices and smart TVs.
  • Acceptance Criteria Testing: Confirm your software meets acceptance criteria and is ready for release.
  • Integrations Testing: Verify the compatibility and seamless operation of integrations within your software.
  • Hardware Testing: Assess software reliant on hardware elements like Bluetooth or laser technology.
  • Quick UX Survey: Gather feedback from real users to guide the design and development of your product.
  • Moderated Usability Testing: Gain deep insights into the user experience through "think-out-loud" moderated tests.
  • Spot Performance Testing: Evaluate how well your product performs in specific environments or with targeted device mixes.
  • 360-Degree Comparative UX Products: Compare your UX and performance against local competitors for actionable insights.
  • Internationalization Testing: Validate your product's international readiness with localized functional and international tests.
  • Localization Testing: Adapt your product for specific locales, ensuring it meets local language and cultural needs.
  • Translation Testing: Collaborate with local users to review translations and guarantee they feel natural and meaningful.
  • Strategic Global Testing: Accelerate global growth by aligning tests with local user preferences and market nuances.

Who is Global App Testing for?

Our best-in-class functional app testing is ideal for development teams or individuals looking to roll out software products on the web or mobile. We understand the challenges of QA and have designed our software testing platform to uncover high-impact bugs before they reach your end users.

Whether you have a specific QA goal or want to make ownership easier with engineering and QA teams, there's something for everyone. Our platform boasts a wide range of testing capabilities, from crowd and automation testing to web and mobile testing. It will help you get maximum results with little effort.

Rainforest QA vs. Global App Testing

Both Rainforest QA and Global App Testing offer cutting-edge testing solutions, each with unique strengths designed to address different testing needs. Here's how they compare:

Rainforest QA:

  • AI-powered automation: Rainforest QA streamlines testing with AI-driven automation, enabling fast test creation using natural language prompts and automatic test self-healing as your app evolves. This approach minimizes manual maintenance and accelerates the testing process.
  • Rapid test results: Rainforest delivers results in just ~4 minutes by running tests in parallel on cloud-based infrastructure, enabling faster release cycles.
  • Exploratory Testing Add-On: Enhance your testing strategy with optional unscripted tests conducted by seasoned testers, uncovering hidden bugs and providing usability feedback.

Global App Testing:

  • Crowdtesting expertise: Global App Testing leverages a community of expert testers to conduct various tests across real devices and environments, ensuring thorough and effective testing.
  • Diverse testing options: From functional and UX to globalization and accessibility testing, Global App Testing offers comprehensive testing services to cover every aspect of your app.
  • Flexible customization: Design and execute tests tailored to your specific needs, giving you greater control over your testing process.
  • Add-on services: Enhance your testing strategy with add-on services such as competitive benchmarking, test case creation, and methodology reports for a more robust approach.

Although Rainforest QA advertises as an AI-powered testing solution, this platform also uses manual testers to perform exploratory testing. While Global App Testing is primarily a manual testing solution, it can help organizations automate a portion of their tests.

Rainforest QA is perfect for fast-paced SaaS teams seeking efficient, AI-driven automation and quick turnaround times. In contrast, Global App Testing shines with its broad range of testing services, real-world testing environments, and flexibility. 

Your choice depends on whether you prioritize speed and AI integration (Rainforest QA) or a comprehensive, customizable testing experience (Global App Testing).

Why do you need Global App Testing?

Our platform streamlines the testing process, allowing your QA team to confirm that your app can be successfully executed, downloaded, and interacted with. This vital step in development becomes seamless, enabling you to deliver consistent, high-quality products to market.
Key benefits of Global App Testing:

  • Enhanced workflow: Streamline your testing processes and business operations.
  • Extensive testing tools: Access a wide range of testing tools and capabilities.
  • 24/7 On-demand testing: Get fast results and continuous testing availability.
  • Identify issues early: Discover bugs and critical issues before releasing your software to end-users.
  • Cross-platform testing: Conduct mobile tests for software on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
  • Large tester community of over 90,000 vetted testers from 190+ countries.
  • Accelerate release velocity: Boost your software's release speed.
  • Optimize productivity: Enhance your team's efficiency and do more with less.
  • Improve software quality: Resolve bugs in advance with continuous QA testing.
  • Top-tier security: Maintain high standards with ISO 27001 certification.
  • 24/7 Support: Access around-the-clock support from our team.
  • Foster a QA culture: Encourage a shared culture within your business that values QA.

With Global App Testing, you can expect a seamless experience that helps you bring consistent, high-quality products to market. Let us show you how our testing solutions can benefit your business!

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We’d love to give you a personal demo of our platform. Find out how we manage, execute and analyse test results to help you release high quality software anywhere in the world.

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