The best localization tools for your software

This article is a list of some of the different categories of available software localization testing tools, along with some of our favorite tools within them. If you want to find out about our offering, hit the button below.

 Drive global growth

Think of software localization as the global passport for your product. It's not merely about translating words but tailoring your software to resonate with users from every corner of the world. By customizing interfaces, content, and features to match the unique preferences and cultural nuances of diverse audiences, localization transforms your software into a versatile tool that speaks the language of every user.

In our interconnected world, where diversity is celebrated, effective localization isn't just an option – it's a necessity for expanding into new markets, engaging users, and leaving a lasting impression worldwide. Let’s take a look at the best software localization tools to try out today.

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What is software localization?

Software localization is the process of adapting your product and marketing to the linguistic,  cultural, and contextual requirements of your target audience.

In practice, this means:

  1. Rewriting your product UI in new languages, producing specialized or brand-consistent glossaries, and running quality checks to ensure translations are accurate, consistent, natural, and fit your tone of voice. 
  2. Ensure your product front end is suited to the translation changes. Even in translation-based localization processes, things like script density can change the way your product appears. A product design and rechecking process is frequently part of localization.
  3. Localizing your product/service to local user needs. Identify whether product changes are necessary for local users: for some software, such as payroll, the product workflow will need to be reworked.
  4. Using product processes to build deeper rapport with local users, including local examples in marketing or eliminating assumptions about users on card checkouts. Avoid awkward cultural mistakes that may reinforce to users that a product was not made for them.
  5. Some engineering that enables localization in the backend is called internationalization engineering. Localization engineering is more likely to refer to engineering that directly pertains to front-end localization. When successfully done as part of a CI/CD pipeline, this is sometimes called continuous localization.

When should a business localize its product?

If you’re pushing your product in a country other than your own, localization work is needed. This is true even in countries with English as the main language - just think about the fact that ‘chipsmeans two very different things in UK and US English!

It is notoriously difficult to calculate the ROI on localization, which is project-oriented and tends to span involvement from marketing, product, and engineering teams all eager to claim a commercial performance improvement belonged to them.


Generally speaking, the further away from your own culture you’re targeting, the more important localization will be. Translating into other languages that use the Roman alphabet might require minimal changes to your layout just to accommodate word/sentence length, but if you need to use the Cyrillic alphabet, you might need to rearrange your whole user interface.

Taking the time to do this sends a clear message to the end user: that you created this product just for them. It’s there to meet their needs, and you understand what those needs are. Remember, it’s not a one-off thing either - continuous localization is a must for as long as you’re in a location.

What kinds of localization tools are there?

There are many kinds of software localization tools available. They exist to assist you in translating text and managing terminology, as well as checking for bugs, controlling product versions, and sharing files.

1. Computer-assisted translation (CAT)

CAT tools help your localization process by using stored data to inform how you translate text. They “remember” how similar content has been translated in the past and fill a lot of your target text automatically, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and redo old work.

For example, if your localization team had previously translated the phrase “this software is super useful for localization” into Spanish, and that phrase came up again, it would be automatically translated, ensuring consistent translation quality. If it’s a similar phrase but not identical, the CAT tool will translate it but underline the differences so that you can manually adjust the target text. CAT software ranges from free and open tools like OmegaT to paid tools, often with additional functionality.


2. Translation management system (TMS)

A TMS allows you to automate various parts of your translation process. It lets you work with different translation teams and manage large numbers of files in different languages. Just like a content management system, TMS allows you to break down your work processes into translation, editing, desktop publishing, etc, all in one place while avoiding work duplication. So, for example, if you’re working with teams in different geographic locations, you can use a TMS to make sure that the teams don’t duplicate each other’s work while ensuring that cooperation is smooth and easy.


3. Linguistic asset management

Linguistic asset management tools can centralize your linguistic assets, like phrase guides and terminology lists. These make the translation process easier while keeping content consistent and accurate across the board. If, for example, you have several professional translators working on the same project, this will ensure that they all use coherent and consistent terms throughout. It also ensures that your brand image is maintained.


4. Term base

A term base consists of a series of glossaries curated for your branding and localization purposes. The database can be saved in different file formats, ranging from SCV and TBX to XLS, depending on your requirements. Your team can use these term bases on your translation projects to make sure that they’re adhering to the style guide and using the correct terms for your brand’s image.

5. Quality assurance (QA)

QA tools are usually integrated into CAT tools and can be specially curated towards your brand’s needs. To build the ultimate QA strategy, you’ll need to make sure a QA tool is included. 
They typically check for consistency throughout translations, and accuracy in numbers, abbreviations, and trademarks, ensuring a high-quality final product. 

So, for example, if you translate a piece of text containing a figure, but the figure isn’t identical in the translation, the QA tool will flag this up for you to look at. You can choose the settings for your QA tool so that everything, ranging from product names to numbers to abbreviations, remains consistent across your localization workflow.

Pro tip

Global App Testing runs QA processes across both translation checking and localized functional quality assurance. Localized testing is manual product testing from a locality, meaning that you can get a real tester on a physical device looking in the correct location who is from that location to check for functional bugs via a dashboard or to give usability insights.


6. Bug tracking

Bug tracking, or testing, is essential to the localization process. Testers require this tool to find any problems and pass them on to the software developers to solve, whether in-house or as part of outsourced software testing.


7. Desktop publishing

Desktop publishing tools include the likes of Photoshop and other design tools. They are used to make changes to visual aspects of your product to better localize the software for your target market. Changes can range from anything as small as a tone adjustment to a whole new layout of your marketing materials.


8. File sharing, management & version control

File sharing, management & version control tools are essential for working across different teams in different locations. If you are localizing your content, you likely have colleagues in the target region. These tools offer the freedom to cooperate easily with file sharing and centralized file hosting systems, with real-time updating. 

You can use these to check on version histories, avoid work duplication or accidental uploads of previous translations, and work more efficiently as a broader team.

what-makes-the best-file-sharing

Best software localization tools and platforms

Here, we’ll cover some of the top providers we recommend when it comes to the localization of software.

1. Global App Testing for functional testing (engineers)

Global App Testing offers engineering teams localization testing via real testers. Designed to fit into your software release cycle, local functional tests can be returned within 48 hours (any location functional tests are returned in under 6). This means you can drive faster release cycles and ensure you’re covered with tests even in geographies where automated tests are more difficult.

Global App Testing for product and project teams

Our package for localization and non-technical teams can assess your product from the perspective of translation, UI, access, and cultural nuance to give you the complete story behind your product’s local performance.

Whether it’s an end-to-end usability review in an underperforming market, think-out-loud testing with users in a specific region, or simply checking a translation, our focus on fast turnaround, thorough insights, and client needs makes us a choice that has retained teams from tech companies including Canva, Meta, and more.


2. Phrase (formerly known as Memsource)

Phrase is a reliable TMS solution with a user-friendly translation editor, quality checker, integrations, and API. It is optimized for designers, developers, managers, and translators.

Phrase also offers smart automation and AI features, which, along with developer tools, API, and integration tools, make it easy for you to scale your project up or down. The project management features allow you to assign tasks to your colleagues and manage your team’s work. 

The many integrations, along with support for popular localization formats, such as Android XML and Angular Translate, and workflow management features make this a solid choice for first-time localization endeavors.

3. Lokalise

Lokalise is a translation management system with multi-platform software that allows you to translate all of your content in one place. 

Lokalise offers:

  • The automation of repetitive tasks, along with the Magic AI feature,
  • Easy cooperation with your team, contractors, partners, and community
  • Access to machine translation engines
  • Advanced workflows with tasks and custom statuses
  • Single platform for centralized work
  • Automated workflows with the ability to integrate with other services (e.g., GitHub and Slack) and many other features.

In particular, translators can enjoy numerous CAT features, such as translation memories and glossaries. Designers can use integrations with Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD. Finally, API, CLI, documentation, and other tools are available for developers

4. Transifex

Transifex is a localization service suitable for startups and larger, established companies. This AI-powered translation localization and platform allows companies to continually translate digital content such as subtitles, games, videos, websites, and mobile apps. 

Transifex has an international customer base, with companies such as Eventbrite and HubSpot using this software to localize their content for international customers.

5. Smartling

Smartling is a great choice if you’re looking for automation, AI-powered translations, and human translations. It allows you to collaborate on content via different platforms with relative ease, and its workflow management feature allows you to assign staff to workflows, chat with translators, change translation settings, and analyze performances. 

Their localization platform offers integrations with CMS tools, marketing tools, and code repositories, to name just a few, and you can enjoy insights into the quality of your translated material. Their visual editor lets you see how translations will look when they are finished, giving you insight into the user experience. 

They also offer end-to-end translation management, so you can work on translations internally, hire external translators, and monitor every step of the process. It’s usable for any type of content, from mobile to websites, to VR, games, and more.

Better localization management with the right tools

Localization in software is crucial, and the right tools can take you a long way. This is especially true as you expand into new markets internationally, with people in different locations and varying cultural norms and timeframes. 

It’s hard enough to roll out a great software tool in one place. Rolling it out in multiple culturally distinct locations is an even greater feat. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone – with our crowdsourced testing, you can get access to testers in every location you intend to target, ensuring you get your launch right the first time.

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