How we help
- Does my software work?
- Does it work for all users?
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Make your QA process better and faster with functional testing
We can help you ensure your product is working to specification in order to improve your release, speed, software quality, or global compatibility.

trusted by top software businesses
Improve your performance against the core metrics of QA by bringing global best practice to your product
Our functional testing service platform is the best in the world
Via a mixture of exploratory tests and test cases, plus advanced targeting controls, you can streamline your process, improve your quality, and deliver features faster. Not only does our platform boast advanced targeting via an easy UI
Launch on any stage of SDLC
- Mockups
- Prototypes
- Staging environment
- Live products
- Localized products
Advanced targeting
- 190 countries
- Territorial controls
- Any device
- Any OS
- Smart devices
- Connectivity environments
Integrated into your workflow
- GAT UI launch
- Use test cases across software
- Integrates with GitHub
- Integrates with Jira
- Integrates with TestRail
- Access via webhook and API
Detailed bug reports
- Full environment details
- Country
- OS, browser, version
- User name
- Multiple tester confirmation
- Video evidence of bug
Execute test cases and run exploratory audits at the heart of our service

Execute scripted test cases
The bread-and-butter of software testing can help you validate you user journeys and stories.
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Run exploratory tests
Our fastest and easiest tests get you going in seconds and increase the robustness of your overall test suite.
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Functional globalization testing
Bring internationalization and localized functional testing to ensure global readiness and payments.
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Compatibility testing
Test for compatibility across different mobile OS, browsers, devices
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We can test in 190+ countries and territories
Test in over 190+ countries and territories with a dedicated team used to testing specialized and enterprise applications.

Asia & Pacific


Middle East & Africa

Speak to one of our testing experts
- Understand how our solutions can help you
- Advise on industry best practice
- Get an estimate for how much GAT costs
- Give you a platform demo
- Talk through examples of how we’ve worked with similar companies to yours