Our crowd is made up of users from your target market

90,000 testers and users
On the ground in 190 countries
Native in 120 languages
On any device and OS
Execute tests directly

and trusted by leading global businesses

Google Logo
Facebook Logo
Microsoft logo
BBC logo
Skyscanner logo
Booking.com logo

Find out how locals really use and feel about your product 

  • The form opens to ask a few more questions 
  • Confirm the country, device and site or app you want us to test
  • We'll reach out to confirm the details and launch a test within 24 hours
  • Once launched, we'll deliver the results to your email within 48 hours

Strategic testing helps you pinpoint and remove issues impacting your growth

Validate local functionality

Ensure that your software flows work for local users via audits on anything from language, to UX, to functionality.

Understand local contexts

Speak directly to local users and software experts to get advice on payment and other contexts which impact your MAUs.

Identify MAU growth opportunities

Search for high-upside low-action growth opportunities by investigating experiences for specific user groups.

Deliver more inclusive design

Deliver a product which works for a greater proportion of your global user base with global data into your design and quality process.

Global Growth Toolkit

Fast, thorough localized software tests

Your full suite of functional tests taken to any market your live with real users on real devices. 

Local availability checks

Identify anything blocking your users from using your product in a target market.

Native-speaker translation test

48-hour translation checking by native speakers in 120 languages.

Vector (1)
Cultural bullet-proofing

Ensure your workflows are free from bad assumptions and sentiment risks. 

Vector (2)
Post-L10n UI cleanup

Eliminate overlong strings and other issues )eg date format bugs) at the final stage of localization QA.

Vector (3)
Investigate a metric

Identify why some users flows are working better than others with a metric-orientated local review.

Qualitative user feedback

Ask local users whatever you like and receive either moderated and/or raw data feedback.

Think-out-loud user testing

Observe local users as they navigate your website or app.

Location testing

Pick a spot on a map, and we'll test from there.

Launch a test
Canva grouping

Here's how Canva went live in 190 markets with impeccable software

“We needed a localization team which could help us manage our global projects" - That's what Canva's Localization QA manager, Raymond Torcurator, said when he was putting in 15-hour days to manage local users around the world. Today, over 60% of Canva's users now come from non-English markets and we've made Raymond's job much easier.

Getting started with Global App Testing

Get a free local market assessment

Tell us the local market you want to test in and we'll take care of the rest - the best way to quickly see how we can drive value for your team (delivered in 48 hours from launch)

Launch your assessment

Speak to an expert now

Want to learn more about how our crowd works? Not a problem. Book a demo and speak to an expert about your local market challenges today

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