How to Speed Up Software Release Cycles and Maintain Quality

How to Speed Up Software Release Process and Maintain Quality

Releasing software can be tricky. Without a clear plan, things can go wrong quickly. A software release process ensures everything runs smoothly. It helps you catch bugs, meet deadlines, and keep users happy.


  • Importance of a structured release process
  • Key steps for planning, development, testing, deployment, and review
  • Tips for incorporating user feedback and setting realistic goals

What is the Software Release Management Process?

The Software Release Management Process is a systematic approach to planning, managing, and controlling the deployment of software updates and new features. It involves stages like planning, development, testing, deployment, and post-deployment monitoring to ensure smooth and timely releases while minimizing risks and disruptions.

Each step is vital to identifying issues, and by following these steps, you can deliver reliable software that meets user expectations.


What’s the Importance of a Software Release Process?

A well-defined software release process is crucial for delivering high-quality products. It minimizes errors and ensures that your software performs as expected. Without a structured approach, you risk releasing a product full of bugs, which can frustrate users and damage your reputation.

A good software release process also helps teams work better together. Clear steps mean everyone knows what to do and when to do it, reducing confusion and keeping projects on track.

According to Atlassian, “Effective release management is critical for the success of any software project.” This highlights the need for a systematic approach."

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Common Challenges in the Software Release Process

A product release launch rarely happens without any issues. The faster you can launch software, the stronger your competitive edge will be, and the earlier you’ll become profitable. However, that level of urgency can create several pain points for developers.

Despite a product manager and their team’s best efforts, these are the most common issues appearing during the software release process:

  • Undetected bugs and defects: Even with thorough testing, some bugs and defects can show up after a product release, causing unexpected crashes, errors, and user frustration.
  • Deployment failures: These often happen because of inconsistencies in deployment scripts, differences in environments, and unexpected dependencies, all leading to service disruptions.
  • A lack of resources: Every team would love to have an endless pool of QA resources, but that’s not how the development world works. Instead, many companies have a lack of internal resources and no way to scale that up quickly when those software release cycles come around.
  • Communication breakdown: Poor communication among different teams can result in misaligned expectations, missed deadlines, and misunderstandings about release requirements.
  • Inefficient processes: Waiting is waste in its purest form, yet so often, wait time due to inefficient processes is the cause of bottlenecks and delays that slow down work progress. One common example of where waiting can lead to waste is the gap between deploying from stage to production. Most issues with wait time can be removed by a change in your process.
  • Inadequate rollback strategy: If there's a major issue or failure after release, a weak or missing rollback plan can extend downtime and hurt user experience.




Release Management vs. Change Management

Release management is a process of implementing a software product, while change management is about coordinating project changes using a change control process.
While release management and change management have some similarities, they have some crucial differences:

  • Release management involves configuring, planning, releasing, and testing a project.
  • Change management involves assessing, authorizing, requesting, and reviewing project changes.

In short, release management focuses on planning and scheduling projects, while change management focuses on coordinating changes during a project's execution. Now that you know the difference between release management and change management, let's go through the steps of implementing the software release process.

5 Steps for a Successful Release Management Process

Step 1: Plan Your Software Release

Planning is the first and most crucial step in the software release process. It sets the foundation for everything that follows. Without a solid plan, your project can quickly go off track.

1. Incorporate User Feedback in the Planning Stage

User feedback is a goldmine for your business. It tells you what works and what doesn’t. During the planning or the beta testing stage, gather as much feedback as possible. Use surveys, user interviews, and feedback forms to collect data. This information can help you understand user needs and expectations. By incorporating this feedback, you can make informed decisions that enhance your software’s usability.

2. Set Realistic Deadlines and Goals

Setting realistic deadlines and goals is essential for a successful software release process. Unrealistic timelines can lead to rushed work and overlooked details. Break down the project into smaller tasks and set achievable deadlines for each. You can use project management tools like Jira or Asana to keep track of progress. These tools help you stay organized and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

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By setting clear, attainable goals, you create a roadmap that guides your team through the entire process. This approach minimizes stress and increases the likelihood of a successful release.

Step 2: Development and Code Review

The development phase is where your ideas turn into reality. Efficient coding and thorough code reviews are crucial to ensure high-quality software.

1. Best Practices for Efficient Coding

Efficient coding is key to a smooth software release process. Follow these best practices to write clean, maintainable code:

  1. Use Version Control: Tools like Git help track changes and collaborate with team members.
  2. Write Clear Comments: Comments explain the purpose of complex code, making it easier for others to understand.
  3. Follow Coding Standards: Consistent coding styles improve readability and reduce errors.
    Test as You Code: Regular testing helps catch bugs early, saving time and effort later.

By adhering to these practices and setting them upfront, you can ensure your code is robust and easy to manage.

2. The Role of Peer Reviews in Quality Assurance

Peer reviews are a critical part of the software release process. They help identify issues that might be missed by automated tests. During a peer review, team members examine each other’s code for errors, inconsistencies, and potential improvements.

According to JetBrains, “Peer reviews are one of the most effective ways to improve code quality.” They provide fresh perspectives and can catch subtle bugs that automated tools might overlook.

Regular peer reviews foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. They ensure that your code meets the highest standards before moving on to the next stage of the release process.

Step 3: Test Your Software

Testing is a crucial step in the software release process. It helps identify and fix bugs before they reach users, ensuring a smooth and reliable product launch.

1. Consider Different Types of Testing

There are several types of testing, each serving a unique purpose:

Each type of testing is essential for identifying different kinds of issues. According to TechTarget, “Comprehensive testing helps ensure that your software is reliable and performs well under various conditions.

2. Use Specialized Tools for Effective Software Testing

Using the right tools can make the testing process more efficient and thorough. Here are some popular tools:

  • GlobalApp: Provides a comprehensive solution for manual testing.
  • Selenium: An open-source tool for automating web applications.
  • JUnit: A framework for writing and running repeatable tests in Java.
  • Postman: Ideal for API testing.
  • JIRA: Helps track bugs and manage testing tasks.

These tools streamline the testing process and help you catch issues early. By leveraging these resources, you can ensure your software is robust and ready for release.

Pro tip:

To save you some valuable time, Global App Testing provides you with professional testers to help you with your test cases in under 6 hours so that you can skip test days and increase release velocity.
From executing tests to getting results and pinpointing bugs, we help you streamline your software release, as we did for A Million Adswe helped them go from 5 to 30 releases a week. They went from a weekly deployment schedule of this:
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To this:

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Step 4: Deployment and Monitoring

Deployment is the stage where your software goes live. However, the work doesn’t end there. Continuous monitoring ensures that everything runs smoothly after the release.

1. Choose the Right Deployment Method

Choosing the right deployment method is vital for a successful software release process. Here are some common methods:

  1. Blue-Green Deployment: Involves running two identical environments. One is live (blue), and the other is idle (green). Here, you can switch between them to minimize downtime.
  2. Canary Deployment: Releases the new version to a small subset of users first to detect any issues before a full rollout.
  3. Rolling Deployment: Gradually replaces the old version with the new one in phases, reducing the risk of widespread issues.

According to AWS, “Choosing the right deployment strategy can significantly reduce risks and improve the reliability of your software.” Make sure to plan yours carefully.

Why Monitoring is Crucial Post-Deployment?

Monitoring is essential once your software is live. It helps you catch issues early and ensure that your software performs well. You can use tools like New Relic or Datadog to monitor performance, uptime, and user interactions.

Monitoring provides real-time insights into how your software is being used and identifies potential problems before they affect a large number of users. This proactive approach helps maintain a high level of user satisfaction and minimizes downtime.

By continuously monitoring your software, you can quickly address any issues and ensure a smooth user experience.

Step 5: Review and Iteration

Reviewing and iterating on your software is the final step in the software release process. This stage helps you learn from past releases and improve future ones.

1. Learn from User Feedback and Analytics

User feedback and analytics are invaluable for understanding how your software performs in the real world. Collect feedback through surveys, user reviews, and support tickets. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

According to Forbes, “Listening to your customers and analyzing their feedback can lead to significant product enhancements.” By learning from this data, you can make informed decisions that enhance user satisfaction and software performance.

Pro tip:

With GAT, you can collect valuable information from your testing and use those data to improve your product. From your test case results, testers feedback and issues report, you can easily understand what’s wrong with your app and act on improving it accordingly.
Sort your issues by their importance, and work on solving them one by one.

2. Plan for Future Releases

The software release process doesn’t end with a single release. It’s an ongoing cycle of planning, developing, testing, deploying, and reviewing. Use insights from user feedback and analytics to plan future releases. Set new goals, update your roadmap, and continuously improve your software.

Regularly review your process to identify areas for improvement. This iterative approach ensures that each release is better than the last, keeping your software relevant and competitive.

Release Management Process Best Practices

So if you’re still struggling with your release management process these best practices can help you reduce risks and improve your development team’s workflow and ensure safe software release.

1. Set up a Standard Release Process

A standard release process ensures consistency, reliability, and efficiency in the software development lifecycle. This involves defining steps and guidelines for planning, executing, and reviewing releases. Standardizing these steps helps reduce errors, manage risks, and ensure a successful release.

Example: You might create detailed documentation on release planning, scheduling, deployment, and rollback procedures. This documentation serves as a guide for all future releases, making sure every team member understands the process.

2. Use Automation When Possible

Automation in release management uses software tools to handle parts of the release process, like code integration and deployment. This reduces human error, speeds up the release cycle, and cuts downtime.

Example: Your development team might use automation tools for code integration, real-time testing, and deployment. When developers commit code, automated scripts build the code, run tests, and deploy it to a staging environment, ensuring high-quality code is released faster.

3. Encourage Team Collaboration

Collaboration between development, operations, and other stakeholders is crucial for successful release management. Effective communication ensures everyone is aligned on goals, timelines, and responsibilities, making the release process smoother.

Example: Organizing regular cross-functional meetings throughout the release cycle allows teams to discuss progress, address issues, and make informed decisions together.

4. Focus on Continuous Delivery and Improvement

Continuous delivery involves regularly reviewing and improving the release process to fix inefficiencies, adapt to new challenges, and incorporate feedback. This keeps the release process effective and responsive to changing needs.

Example: After each release, you can gather feedback from all teams involved. Then use this feedback to identify areas for improvement, like streamlining steps or increasing automation, and apply it to future releases.

5. Plan for Rollbacks

Planning for rollbacks means having a plan to quickly revert a release if there are issues. This minimizes downtime for users and the system.

Example: Before deploying a new update, your team should set up a rollback plan, including taking snapshots of the production environment and having scripts ready to restore these snapshots. If an issue arises after release, your team can quickly execute the rollback plan to maintain system stability.

Implementing these practices can streamline your release management process and enhance the overall quality and efficiency of your software updates.

Key Takeaways for a Smooth Software Release Process

A successful software release process involves careful planning, efficient development, thorough testing, strategic deployment, and continuous review. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Plan Thoroughly: Incorporate user feedback and set realistic deadlines.
  • Develop Efficiently: Follow best coding practices and conduct peer reviews.
  • Test Rigorously: Use various testing types and effective tools to catch bugs early.
  • Deploy Strategically: Choose the right deployment method and monitor performance post-deployment.
  • Review Continuously: Learn from user feedback and analytics to improve future releases.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and successful software release that meets user expectations and maintains high quality.

How GlobalApp Helps with Release Process Management

Global App Testing helps you save valuable time at every touchpoint between engineering and QA to solve your test cases in under 6 hours so that you can skip test days and release faster.

So, how do you use the full potential of GAT for your future software release? From executing tests to getting results and pinpointing bugs, we help you streamline your software release:

  • Execute tests on every device and every environment without any set-up hassle.
  • Get real-time results and launch an unlimited simultaneous test 24/7 to get results fast.
  • Have all your bugs sorted out with a bug environment report and video of the bug so you can solve them more easily and launch new retests.
  • Release your software with fewer production bugs, and use the agile approach to release faster and get more time for coding in the future.

Wanna find out more?

Schedule a call and speak to one of our testing experts so you can understand how our solutions can help you release high-quality products faster than ever!

We can help you speed up your software release process while being aligned with your business goals

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What are the steps in the release process?

The software release process consists of five main steps:

  1. Planning: Incorporate user feedback and set realistic deadlines.
  2. Development: Follow best practices for efficient coding and conduct peer reviews.
  3. Testing: Use various testing types and effective tools to catch bugs early.
  4. Deployment: Choose the right deployment method and monitor performance post-deployment.
  5. Review: Learn from user feedback and analytics to improve future releases.
How does a software release work?

A software release involves several stages to ensure a smooth launch. It starts with planning and development, followed by rigorous testing. Once the software is ready, it’s deployed using methods like blue-green, canary, or rolling deployment. After deployment, continuous monitoring ensures everything runs smoothly.

How to prepare for a software release?

Preparation is key to a successful software release process. Start by gathering user feedback and setting realistic goals. Develop and test your software thoroughly. Choose an appropriate deployment strategy and set up monitoring tools to track performance post-release. Using project management tools like Trello can help keep your team organized and on track.

What are the four phases of release and deployment management?

The four phases of release and deployment management are:

  • Planning: Define the scope, objectives, and schedule.
  • Build and Test: Develop the software and conduct thorough testing.
  • Deployment: Implement the chosen deployment method and go live.
  • Review and Close: Monitor performance, gather feedback, and review the process for improvements.

By understanding these phases, you can better manage your software release process and ensure each release is successful.