Best Alternative: Improve Your Software Testing Today

Are you compiling a list of possible testing companies? For a great alternative Global App testing is one place to consider.

Below is a long-form article we've written all about Global App Testing as a alternative. But the best thing to do is use the form to request that a member of our expert team get in touch.

What is Test IO?

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Test IO provides a comprehensive suite of testing solutions that enhance product quality by blending traditional testing methodologies and advanced AI technology. Their offerings include a fully managed test automation service, which verifies and validates mobile applications. The platform consists of scoping, discovery, reporting, execution, and ongoing maintenance to ensure thorough testing.

Why Choose Test IO

Agility and Automation:

Test IO's fully managed test automation solution enables agility in your testing processes. With the help of a dedicated test manager, you can seamlessly create, execute, and manage automated testing activities. The platform's advanced test automation reporting features keep you updated on your test cases' status and results.

Partnership with Sauce Labs:

A notable feature of Test IO is its partnership with Sauce Labs. This collaboration allows efficient implementation of automated tests on real devices in the cloud, further enhancing the testing process's effectiveness and accuracy.

Features according to their website:

  • Comprehensive assessment: Test IO thoroughly evaluates your testing needs, ensuring all aspects are covered.
  • Crowdtesting services: With a community of over 400,000 testers, you can test apps under real-world conditions.
  • Accelerators and frameworks: The platform includes over 50 accelerators and supports open-source testing frameworks, enhancing testing efficiency and coverage.
  • Detailed bug reports: Receive comprehensive bug reports complete with screenshots, videos, and detailed documentation.
  • Bug fix confirmation: Get rapid, real-world feedback on bug fixes, often within 30 minutes.
  • Simple test setup: Easily configure tests, choose devices, OS, and browsers, and schedule test runs according to your needs.
  • Skilled testers: Test IO's diverse global community of qualified testers ensures a wide range of testing scenarios.
  • Tool integrations: Seamlessly integrate with popular project management, bug tracking, and CI/CD tools like Jira, GitHub, TestRail, and more.

Testing types

  1. Functional Testing: Ensures software performs as expected in various scenarios by combining manual and exploratory testing.
  2. Exploratory Testing: Identifies unexpected issues through unstructured, creative testing approaches.
  3. Regression Testing: Validates that new code changes do not affect existing functionalities, providing fast and accurate insights.
  4. Beta Testing: Engages real users globally to test pre-release versions, offering valuable feedback and bug discovery.
  5. Product Experience Testing: Ensures high-quality end-to-end user experiences by testing with real users.
  6. User Story Testing: Verifies that all user stories and requirements are thoroughly tested, ensuring complete coverage. also offers additional types of testing, such as accessibility testing, load and performance testing, mobile and web testing, streaming and OTT testing, IOT-connected device testing, and real payment testing.

Managed testing services:

  • Customizable solutions: Managed by Test IO experts, these solutions integrate seamlessly into your existing workflows to enhance efficiency.
  • Professional crowdtesting: Access to a global community of skilled testers, available on-demand to meet project requirements.
  • ReportPortal: A centralized platform for managing and tracking test results and insights.

What is Global App Testing?

Global App Testing (GAT) is a platform that offers QA (quality assurance) and app testing in over 190 countries. The service focuses on a crowdsourced testing model, which allows for rapid and extensive testing across various devices, operating systems, and geographic locations. This approach helps ensure software applications work effectively and meet user needs globally​.

GAT offers several key services:

  1. Functional Testing: This includes executing scripted test cases and running exploratory tests to identify bugs and verify that software behaves as expected throughout its development lifecycle​.
  2. Usability and UX Testing: These tests help identify usability issues and improve the user experience by seeing how real users interact with the software across different platforms and devices.
  3. Localization Testing: GAT provides testing services to ensure that applications work correctly in different languages and regions, which is essential for global market readiness. This includes testing for translation accuracy and local functionality.
  4. Compatibility Testing: Ensures that applications function correctly across various devices, browsers, and operating systems​.
  5. Accessibility Testing: Checks if applications are accessible to users with disabilities, adhering to relevant standards and guidelines​​.

GAT integrates with popular tools such as Jira, TestRail, GitHub, and Zephyr, and offers an API for seamless integration into existing workflows​. The platform supports the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), providing detailed bug reports, test case results, and qualitative insights to help developers understand and fix issues effectively​.


Overall, Global App Testing is designed to help companies reduce bugs in production, improve release speed, and scale their quality assurance efforts efficiently by leveraging a global network of testers.​

Who is Global App Testing for?

Global App Testing is for any company creating software, but it is particularly useful for mobile and web apps, websites, and any type of consumer software, including SaaS. 
It's specifically aimed at your Agile and DevOps teams to help them stay on any planned schedule and free their skills up to focus on any issues discovered by testing.


Testing can take time, especially when you consider you usually have to test your product on multiple devices, as well as different operating systems. So, choosing GAT allows your Agile and DevOps teams to remain focused on the actual development of the product and not be caught up in the time-consuming testing process. 

Why choose Global App Testing?

Considering employing GAT for your testing process? Here's why it might just be the game-changer your business needs:

  • Resource efficiency: Whether you're a startup or a small tech firm, GAT allows your experts to stay focused on their core tasks while leaving the nitty-gritty of testing to the pros.
  • Time sensitivity: In today's cutthroat tech market, delays in releasing your product could mean losing ground to competitors. GAT ensures swift testing, reducing the risk of getting left behind.
  • Issue identification: Launching a product plagued with unnoticed bugs can damage its integrity and your brand's reputation. GAT's meticulous testing helps uncover and resolve issues before they become major headaches.
  • Speedy results: With GAT, you get real-time feedback on tests, slashing the time needed to fix bugs and speeding up your product's journey to market readiness.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By outsourcing testing to GAT, you bypass the costs of hiring and training an in-house testing team, saving you valuable resources.
  • Process integration: GAT's rapid testing seamlessly fits into Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) and Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines, ensuring a smooth development process.
  • User-focused testing: If your product's success hinges on user experience, GAT is your go-to for ensuring it's user-friendly across the board, driving positive metrics and user satisfaction.

Key testing types

The following are some key features offered by GAT:

1. Functional testing

Functional testing tests a specific software system against the required functionality and specifications. This type of testing mainly focuses on black box testing and doesn't look at the app's source code. It checks functions such as the database, security, APIs (application programming interface—open source and otherwise), UI (user interface), and client-server communication. 
The main things functional testing looks at are:

  • Do the features of your product work as you intended them to?
  • Can the end user (consumer) interact with every part of the product they need to?
  • How usable is the product for your end users?
  • What happens when there are errors?
  • Are messages provided to the user? Are errors logged? Is there an automatic reporting process?

GAT has six steps in the functional testing stage:

  1. Identify the various functions you expect your digital product to perform.
  2. Create a list of input data that correlates to those identified functions.
  3. Determined output based on those same specifications.
  4. Create test cases in order to gather data.
  5. Compare results to expectations.
  6. Make changes where required to meet the specified functions.  

2. Exploratory testing

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Exploratory testing could be described as a form of freestyle testing. In this stage, the testers have more freedom and do not always follow a linear plan. They can "roam" about the app to see if they can find any bugs or issues. This stage is more about how the app works, so testers only need an idea of QA rather than any coding languages such as Python, Linux, or Java.

GAT only onboard the best testers, so they will never take shortcuts at any stage of your process. The testers will look deeply into every aspect of your app and you will receive real-time reporting while the tests are happening. You will also receive reports on issues (videos, screenshots, logs) and complete test results within 36 hours max, or even as fast as 15 minutes via our On-Demand platform.


3. Test case execution

While other tests may look at functionality, test case execution looks at how your actual code works by comparing what was expected with what happens. It usually follows these stages when moving through the test:

  • By identifying possible risks, choose a subset of the entire test cycle for this part.
  • Assign the tests to specific testers for them to execute.
  • Carry out the tests, identify and report bugs, and continually monitor and record the test status.
  • If a tester encounters a blocking issue, resolve it there and then.
  • Report all statuses, change assignments when needed, and review plans on a daily basis.
  • At the end of the process, report all findings from the test cycle.

GAT provides workflows that are specific to your web or mobile app. With its proprietary combination of testing software and crowdtesting experience, GAT can help process all of your required tests so you can focus on more important issues.

GAT can import any test cases you already have or help you write new ones. It can also provide understandable reports, offer 24/7 support globally, and give you speed and scalability for quick results.

4. Usability testing

Usability testing (sometimes called user testing) evaluates your digital product by having testers representing your planned end users.

The user testers will carry out the tasks and functions associated with the product across various platforms, including social media. The idea is to see usability issues, collect relevant qualitative and quantitative data, and see how satisfied the user is with the product.

GAT's experienced usability testers act as consumers, looking at how your product performs and the quality of the user experience. Their feedback can help you make improvements to the product, and they review everything from content and linguistics to functionality so that you have a good overall view of what the average consumer will think of your product.


5. Web application testing

Web app testing (or web testing) tests the quality of your web applications and ensures that they work as you intended. It can help find bugs, whether before release or on a daily basis. This can really help, as even a minor adjustment to your code can have a knock-on effect and produce a bug somewhere else in the product. 

GAT allows you to manage targeted testing at any point in your test case suite. They help you create test cases that examine the functionalities that are most important to you, and you can even set automatic tests using the GAT API and identify any security issues. 


Anyone on your team can create and maintain your overall test suite, with no specialized skills needed.

6. Mobile app testing

When you launch a mobile app, you may want it to work on multiple devices and different operating systems. Mobile app testing looks at the usability, functionality, and consistent performance across different mobile devices and OSs. With the mobile app market so competitive, it's crucial that your app meets all expectations and works properly.
GAT provides you with efficient testing, utilizing real users and real devices so you get a realistic view of their experiences. That means you get real data that can give you the edge in developing and launching your app
With worldwide testing, GAT also offers an extensive range of devices, networks, and operating systems to test on, covering almost every possible combination.


7. Localized app testing

Many apps have location-specific functions (for example, food-ordering apps). Localized app testing looks at how your product will behave in different locations. In addition to geographic functions, this can also consider other factors, such as language and culture, and can ensure that your app not only functions but adheres to any localized regulations and requirements. 
The global testing network means you get swift results and pointers for any configuration changes needed for different regions. GAT also offers cross-device and cross-browser testing that recognizes patterns in different areas.

However, the list of testing solutions doesn’t end here, there are also:

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Contact us, and let us find a perfect testing solution together.

What sets Global App Testing apart?

When testing your digital products, compromising accuracy, efficiency, or productivity for speed is not an option. Global App Testing (GAT) combines all these essential qualities into one accessible platform, ensuring your testing process is robust and results-driven.
What sets GAT apart? Firstly, our unparalleled global coverage spans +190 countries, offering comprehensive testing capabilities worldwide.
Secondly, our vast talent pool boasts over 90,000 experienced and vetted professionals, guaranteeing meticulous testing to the highest standards.
But it doesn't stop there. GAT offers a user-friendly platform and streamlined process, enabling you to effortlessly monitor various aspects of your products and receive prompt test results. This agility empowers your team to swiftly address any issues, eliminating bottlenecks and keeping your project on track.
Moreover, GAT is ISO 27001 certified, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to top-tier security standards. With our 24/7 support, you can trust that any concerns, whether security-related or otherwise, will be promptly addressed.

From simple food ordering apps to complex SaaS products, GAT approaches every project with unwavering dedication and professionalism.

Choose GAT for unparalleled efficiency, speed, and reliability. Let us handle your testing needs so your DevOps team can concentrate on perfecting your product for a seamless launch.

Partner with GAT today and ensure your product's success!

Keep learning

Testing in Agile - What are the benefits?
Android app beta testing - definitive guide
What is payment testing? - The ultimate guide

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