
How to build the perfect mobile app [10-step definitive guide]

Building an app is incredibly hard. Building an app that people love and use frequently and that helps grow your company is even harder. Achieving the perfect app requires significant effort and strategic planning. While it might be tempting to dive straight into development and hope for the best, investing time in strategy is crucial to getting it right.

This guide will walk you through the essential steps to build an app, ensuring it meets user needs and stands out in the competitive app market. Let’s start with steps you can follow below:

1. Build the right product through vision

1.1. Define your vision

The first step in building a perfect mobile app is to have a clear vision. Your vision should encapsulate what your app aims to achieve and how it will solve a specific problem for your target audience. Begin by asking yourself:

  • What problem does my app solve?
  • Who are the primary users of my app?
  • What value does my app provide to its users?

For example, the creators of Slack had a clear vision: to create a seamless communication platform for teams. They identified the problem of fragmented communication tools and aimed to integrate messaging, file sharing, and collaboration in one app. This vision guided their development process and helped them build a product that transformed workplace communication.


1.2. Perform market research and analysis

Conduct thorough market research to understand the landscape of your app's niche. Analyze competitors to identify gaps in the market that your app can fill. This research will help you refine your vision and ensure your app offers unique value propositions.

For instance, when the developers of Headspace researched the wellness and meditation market, they noticed a lack of user-friendly guided meditation apps. By identifying this gap, they created a product that catered to both beginners and experienced meditators, setting Headspace apart from other wellness apps.


1.3. Create a product roadmap

A well-defined product roadmap will guide the development process. Outline the core features of your app and the timeline for their development. This roadmap should be flexible enough to adapt to new insights and feedback but firm enough to keep the project on track.


2. Start with an MVP and, if possible, a Concierge MVP

2.1. Understanding MVP

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of your app with just enough features to satisfy early adopters and provide feedback for future development. The goal of an MVP is to:

  • Test your app idea with minimal resources and 
  • Gather valuable user insights.


2.2. Benefits of starting with an MVP

  • Cost-effective: Reduces initial development costs by focusing on core functionalities.
  • Faster time-to-market: Speeds up the launch process, allowing you to validate your app idea quickly.
  • User feedback: Provides early feedback from users, helping you refine and improve the app.

When Dropbox first launched, their MVP was a simple video demonstrating the product's functionality. This low-cost approach generated significant interest and user feedback, validating their concept before investing in full-scale development.


2.3. Implement a concierge MVP

A concierge MVP involves manually providing services to test your app's concept before automating them. This approach allows you to understand user needs deeply and refine the user experience without extensive initial investment


For example, before automating their meal kit delivery service, the founders of Blue Apron manually assembled and delivered meal kits to a small group of customers. They curated recipes, sourced ingredients, and packed the kits themselves. This hands-on approach allowed them to gather valuable feedback on the meal kits' contents, recipe clarity, and overall service quality, which informed the development of their automated delivery and fulfillment system.


3. Interview users and learn from them

3.1. Conduct user Interviews

User interviews are crucial for understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Conduct one-on-one interviews with potential users to gather qualitative data. Ask open-ended questions to encourage detailed responses and insights.

Key questions to ask:

  • What problem do you face that this app could solve?
  • How do you currently address this problem?
  • What features would you find most valuable in this app?
  • What would make you continue using this app?

When Airbnb was starting, the founders interviewed users who were renting out their homes and travelers looking for unique accommodations. These interviews revealed critical insights about trust, payment processes, and the need for quality photos, which they incorporated into their platform.

3.2. Analyze feedback

Collect and analyze the feedback from user interviews to identify common themes and patterns. This information will guide your app's development, ensuring it aligns with user needs and expectations.

4. Experiment

4.1. A/B Testing

Experimentation is vital to find out what works best for your app. A/B testing involves creating two or more versions of a feature or design element and testing them with different user groups to see which performs better. This method helps optimize user experience and improve app functionality.


For example, Instagram regularly conducts A/B tests on features like feed layout and story placement to determine which designs keep users engaged longer.

4.2. Prototyping

Develop prototypes of your app's key features and test them with users. Prototypes are simplified versions of the app that allow users to interact with the main functionalities. Gather feedback on usability, design, and overall experience.


When designing the user interface for your app, GAT can help you test a design prototype to identify issues before development by leveraging our crowd of over 90,000 testers.

How GAT can help:

  • Test design mock-ups or clickable prototypes: Quickly identify usability issues and validate the look and feel of your design.
  • Localization: Tailor your design to specific countries or regions to ensure cultural relevance.
  • Conduct surveys: Gather direct feedback from diverse users.
    Identify accessibility issues: Ensure your design is accessible to all users.
  • Minimize risk: Use design tests to provide the evidence needed to minimize risk and increase decision-making confidence.
  • Early validation: Validate hypotheses early and often to make sure your design is intuitive and easy to use across different devices and user types.

4.3. Iterative Development

Adopt an iterative development approach, where you continuously refine and improve the app based on user feedback and testing results. This approach ensures that your app evolves to meet user needs and remains relevant in a dynamic market.

5. Test your app - users won’t accept poor quality

5.1. Importance of testing

Thorough testing is essential to ensure your app functions correctly and provides a seamless user experience. Users are unlikely to tolerate bugs, crashes, or performance issues, so rigorous testing is crucial to the app's success.


There are numerous types of mobile testing, but below are the most essential:

5.2. Beta Testing

Release a beta version of your app to a select group of users for testing. Beta testing provides real-world feedback and helps identify issues that may not surface in controlled testing environments. Use this feedback to make final adjustments before the official launch.


WhatsApp, for example, often releases beta versions of its updates to a group of users before rolling them out globally. This process helps them catch bugs and improve features based on real-world use cases.


6. Make design a top priority

6.1. Focus on user-centric design

A well-designed app not only looks appealing but also provides an intuitive and enjoyable user experience. Focus on user-centric design principles to create an app that is easy to navigate and use. Consider the following aspects:

  • Simplicity: Keep the design clean and straightforward. Avoid clutter and unnecessary elements.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent design language throughout the app to enhance usability.
  • Accessibility: Ensure the app is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, and follow accessibility guidelines and standards.

6.2. Visual and interaction design

Invest in high-quality visual design to create an aesthetically pleasing app. Pay attention to color schemes, typography, and imagery to create a cohesive and attractive design. Additionally, focus on interaction design to ensure smooth and intuitive user interactions.


The design team at Duolingo, for instance, prioritizes simplicity and engagement in their language learning app. They use bright colors, fun illustrations, and intuitive navigation to keep users motivated and returning to the app.

7. Monetize your app effectively

7.1. Choosing the right monetization model

Selecting an appropriate monetization model is crucial for your app's financial success. Common models include:

  • Freemium: Offer a free version of the app with basic features and charge for premium features. Apps like Spotify and Evernote successfully use this model.
  • In-app purchases: Allow users to buy virtual goods or additional features within the app. Games like Clash of Clans generate significant revenue through in-app purchases.
  • Subscription: Charge users a recurring fee to access premium content or features. Netflix and many other streaming services use this model effectively.
  • Advertisements: Display ads within the app. This model works well for apps with a large user base, such as Facebook and Instagram.


7.2. Balance User Experience and revenue

Ensure that your monetization strategy does not negatively impact the user experience. Intrusive ads or aggressive upselling can drive users away. Instead, integrate monetization seamlessly and consider offering an ad-free experience for premium users.

For example, YouTube provides both ad-supported free access and an ad-free experience through its premium subscription service, catering to different user preferences.

7.3. Analyzing and adapting

Regularly analyze the performance of your monetization strategy. Track metrics such as:

  • User engagement, 
  • Conversion rates, and 
  • Revenue.

Use this data to refine and optimize your approach, ensuring it remains effective and aligned with user expectations.

8. Add a dose of humility

8.1. Embrace feedback

Building the perfect mobile app requires humility and a willingness to accept feedback. Understand that no app is flawless from the start, and user feedback is invaluable in improving your app.


The team behind Buffer, a social media scheduling app, has always been open to user feedback. They regularly seek out user opinions and suggestions, using them to guide updates and new feature development. This approach has helped them build a loyal user base and continuously improve their product.

8.2. Continuous Improvement

View your app as an evolving product that can always be improved. Regularly update your app based on user feedback, market trends, and technological advancements. Show users that you are committed to delivering the best possible experience.

Stay open to new ideas and innovations that can enhance your app. The mobile app market constantly evolves, and staying adaptable is key to long-term success.

9. Create an app in a test environment

9.1. Importance of a test environment

Creating an app in a test environment allows you to simulate real-world conditions and identify potential issues before the app goes live. This controlled setting helps developers and testers ensure that the app performs well under various scenarios and meets quality standards.

9.2. Setting up the test environment

  • Development sandbox: Use a sandbox environment to test new features and functionalities without affecting the live app. This setup allows for safe experimentation and debugging.
  • Staging server: A staging server mirrors the production environment, enabling comprehensive testing of the app in conditions that closely resemble the live environment. This step is crucial for identifying issues that might not be evident in the development phase.
  • Testing tools: Use a combination of automated testing tools and a manual approach to run various tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, to streamline the testing process and ensure thorough coverage.

For example, e-commerce giant Amazon uses extensive staging environments and automated testing tools to ensure that new features and updates do not disrupt the shopping experience for millions of users.

10. Send the app to App Stores

10.1. Preparing for submission

Submitting your app to app stores requires careful preparation to meet the guidelines and requirements of each platform. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth submission process:

  • App store guidelines: Review the guidelines for app submission on platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Ensure your app complies with their policies regarding content, functionality, and design.
  • App metadata: Prepare detailed app metadata, including the app name, description, keywords, screenshots, and promotional videos. High-quality visuals and a compelling description can attract more downloads.
  • Testing and compliance: Ensure your app has undergone thorough testing and complies with all platform requirements, such as privacy policies and data handling practices.

10.2. Submission process

  • Apple App Store: Submit your iOS app using the App Store Connect platform. Follow the steps to upload your app binary, provide necessary information, and submit it for review. Apple's review process can take several days, so plan accordingly.
  • Google Play Store: Use the Google Play Console to submit your Android app. Google’s review process is typically faster than Apple’s, but ensuring your app meets all requirements is essential to avoid rejection.

10.3. Post-submission

Once your app is approved and published, continue to monitor its performance and user feedback. Regularly update your app to fix bugs, add new features, and improve the user experience. Promptly addressing user reviews and issues can help maintain a positive reputation and encourage more downloads.


So, how to build an app? Making an awesome mobile app involves knowing what you want, planning ahead, and getting better all the time. Remember, launching the app is just the start – you need to keep making it better to keep it successful.

At GAT, we understand the challenges of creating high-quality apps. Our global community of over 90,000 professional testers ensures your app gets the most relevant and rigorous testing and :

  • High-quality, relevant bug reports: Receive actionable feedback to improve your app.
  • Quick turnaround: Get exploratory testing results in 48 hours or less.
  • Efficient test case execution: Completed in under an hour.
  • Cost-effective solutions: Scalable pricing to meet your unique needs.
  • Extensive device coverage: Instantly cover hundreds of device/OS combinations.
  • Proven expertise: Leverage our experience from testing thousands of apps.

Interested in learning more?
Schedule a call with our specialist, and let's create a stellar app today!

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